Individual, couple, and family therapy: $209/51 minute session*
Supervision: $180/50 minute session (plus GST)
Training: As quoted. Dependent on duration, preparation, travel costs, etc.
* You may be eligible for rebated services under Medicare by obtaining a referral and Mental Health Treatment Plan via your GP.
Who comes to therapy?
People come to therapy for a variety of reasons: to resolve a problem, understand themselves (or others) better, build better relationships, become more resilient, learn skills (e.g. stress management). Your therapy should be about your needs - you identify the goals, set the pace, and own the process.
What can I expect?
The first session is an opportunity for us to get to know each other. You may have questions you wish to ask. My aim will be to gain a comprehensive understanding of what brought you to see me, and what you hope to have change in your life as a result of coming to therapy. Over the course of therapy, my aim will be to get to know and understand you, so I can be as helpful as I can. Change happens in many different ways; sometimes through learning skills, understanding things differently, talking about past hurts or present concerns.
How long will I need to come?
It depends. Sometimes change happens in a single session, sometimes many. I continue to work with clients as long as they wish; there are no session limits.